Reflecting on my Andy Warhol themed
1. Are you pleased with your Andy Warhol themed portrait? why / why not?
I am really happy with my Andy Warhol Artwork because I found doing contrasting colours really interesting.
2. What did you find easy when you created your portrait?
I found tracing over my photograph in pencil really easy.
3. What part did you find tricky when you were creating your portrait? -think about tracing round your face, outlining your face using a black marker pen, dabbing areas using the dye, dying the background.
I found dabbing the dye in a number of areas tricky because I kept smudging my artwork.
4. Who / What helped you when you were creating your portrait?
Miss Paton helped me and had told me the instructions how to make a piece of Andy Warhol artwork and if I wouldn’t know what to do then I wouldn’t have such a beautiful piece of artwork.
5. What would you do differently next time? Think about: tracing around your face, features on your face, dabbing the dye colours, colour choice, photograph, time management skills.
I would try not to smudge my artwork next time.
6. What frustrated you when you created your Andy Warhol themed art work?
I found dying my background tricky because I kept dying within the areas I shouldn’t.
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