Today it was so fun me and my cousin went to the skate park for a few hours then I had to go back home with my cousin so I could have lunch.
Then when I finished eating my lunch I quickly went on my home computer and put something on my blog then I went back outside.
Me and my cousin scootered to this market in panmure and he bought some coke After that we went back to the skate park and I done some insane tricks but I’m only a beginners professional at scooter’s.
I did some grinding a wehle a 180 a back wehle a few jumps and more tricks. After that my auntie came to pick me up and take me back home because I had to go to a little party.
I had a shower and then put my shoes on then we left to go my mum had made a delicious trifle cake it was so !!!YUM!!!.
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